Friday, October 28, 2011

Finally some GOOD news!

Last week, while Cameron was being treated in hospital for his G Tube infection, he had a bone scan to look at whether the first two rounds of chemotherapy had had any effect on the cancer that is in his bones, or if the disease had spread any further.  The results were better than the doctors had expected, Cameron's scan shows "significant improvement" in the bone cancer!  We are thrilled!  Of course we know it's early days and that Cameron still has a long road to travel and many more treatments to complete, but it's great to know that he is on the right path to recovery!

One of our biggest concerns, when Cameron got the infection around his G Tube, was that it would jeopardise his stem cell harvest.  Luckily, he was discharged from the hospital in time and he was able to have the harvest done yesterday.  He was hooked up to a machine that looked like something out of the movie Back To The Future, and began the 4 hour harvest process.  During the process, Cameron's heart rate started to drop a bit and then rise to a normal level, and then drop again.  Of course, in true Cameron style, he likes to keep his doctors on their toes, he had an EKG done to be sure that he wasn't in any danger, and it showed that his heart was fine.  The results of the harvest were fantastic, they needed to collect 12 million cells for his up coming transplant and they were able to get 23 million!

It's the boys' birthday this weekend and we are throwing them a little party, I am so pleased that Cameron is going to be home to enjoy it with James.  I am so excited about the party, you would swear it was MY birthday!  I promise to post photos as soon as I can so that you can see all of the festivities.


  1. SO happy all is going well! Happy birthday boys :) Tracy

  2. Lovely photos and good news. YAY!

  3. I'm sad I can't make it to his birthday tomorrow! But I'm glad the little man is home. :D

  4. This is such fabulous news! Hope that the boys get to really enjoy their birthday! Blessings to all of you.
