Monday, January 2, 2012

Now that the craziness of the Christmas season has started to subside, I finally feel like I have a few minutes to post a long overdue update on our blog!

Cameron completed his 5th round of chemotherapy the week before Christmas. We were all on tender hooks as to whether he would be well enough to be home on Christmas day, luckily he was and we had a fantastic Christmas! Thanks to two cancer organizations, friends and family members, the boys had so many presents that they weren't even able to open them all on Christmas day! The grandma's joined forces and created a Christmas lunch like no other - we are still trying to find recipes to use up all the left overs. It was fantastic to have both sides of the family here for Christmas!

The day after Christmas, we had to take Cameron in to receive a platelet transfusion, and two days later he needed a red blood cell transfusion, the transfusions seemed to have given Cameron a massive burst of energy and he is as happy and chatty as ever.

As I mentioned in a previous post, Cameron's feeding tube has caused us nothing but problems since it was put in 3 months ago. We finally received a decision from the transplant team, and they have decided that the best thing to do is to remove the tube. Well, that was a monumental waste of time and money! On one hand, I can't wait for it to be removed, it has caused Cameron so much pain and suffering, getting infected every time his counts drop. On the other hand, I wish that it had worked for him, it really would have been the best way to get food into him during his transplants. There are alternative ways to feed him during transplant, they can insert a feeding tube through his nose, he had this type of tube as a baby and even at 2 months old he was able to pull it out himself! The other method is called TPN feeding which is done intravenously. The problem with that is that it puts a lot of strain on his liver, which will already be taking strain from all the chemo that he will receive.  He will be admitted tomorrow to have the surgery to remove the tube and will start his final round of chemotherapy on Wednesday.  I still can't believe that he is almost done with the first phase of his treatment!

Here are a couple of photos of how we keep ourselves entertained in the hospital.


  1. Lovely pics! Cute Boy!!!!! Extra big hugs and good wishes being sent your way.

  2. My name is Laurie and I am not even sure how I found your blog about Cameron's journey, but my son, Jack, was also diagnosed with Stage IV Neuroblastoma back in March of 2010. He was 2 months shy of his 3rd birthday. Jack went through 6 rounds of chemo, surgery, transplant, 20 radiation sessions, ch14.18 antibody treatment, and accutane and is now doing really well!

    I was reading your post and just wanted to let you know that if you ever want to talk to another family who has gone through what you are going through, please feel free to contact me. I know that when we were going through treatment it helped to talk to others...

    Cameron seems to be handling treatment well and that is wonderful to read!

    My thoughts and prayers are with you,

