Friday, September 30, 2011

We're bbbbaaaaaaaccccckkkkkkk!

Cameron had a wonderful day at home, unfortunately it was a bit short lived.

Before we were discharged from the hospital, we were told multiple times that if Cameron started running a fever, we needed to head straight to the Emergancy Room because his white blood cell count was extremely low and a fever could indicate a blood infection - which could be fatal. So, after taking his temperature at least once an hour all day (Paranoid? Me? NEVER!), he finally spiked a fever at around 5pm. I immediately called the hospital and we were told to make our way over to the ER to have him evaluated.

Once we arrived, he immediately had blood drawn and was placed on antibiotics. We are still waiting for the results of the blood cultures to see if he does infact have an infection. He had another fever at around 5am today, so we won't be discharged until he has been fever free for at least 24 hours and his white blood cell count shows signs of improvement.

Luckily, Cameron is a real little trooper, he was very excited to go for a little walk this morning to see the turtles and fish and flirted with all the nurses on the ward, such a ladies man!

1 comment:

  1. Praying he won't have to be in too long and that he will be home again soon! I'm glad to hear he at least had a great day at home. He's got such spunk and fight in him I bet he'll be surprising the doctors in good ways again soon. I can totally see him flirting with the nurses! :)
