Saturday, May 26, 2012

Fun in the Sun!

Cameron has almost completed the radiation phase of his therapy, he has two more sessions on Tuesday and Wednesday. So far he has tolerated the radiation quite well and soon the 6am drives to Egleston will be over and we will remove all of his radiation markers (he has stickers that his doctors use to target the radiation beams at his primary tumor site). In early to mid June Cameron will have more scans and imaging which we are hoping come back clear so that he can begin anti-body therapy towards the end of the month.

In the meantime we have been making the most of the home time and decided to brave our first family camping trip at Stone Mountain Park.  It was an awesome experience. The boys had an absolute blast and played so hard that they were both fast asleep before sunset leaving Mom and Dad some downtime around the campfire. The next day we were joined by friends for a picnic and a  fun-filled day at the park.
Nothing like an ice cream on a hot day

Dads little helpers get stuck in with pitching the tent

This weekend we visited the Australia Festival at the polo fields in Forsyth, we anticipated hot weather so we headed out early and were able to do most of the stuff that we wanted to before the heat of the day set in. The boys highlight was seeing and touching some of the Aussie wildlife, James has a real passion for animals and didn't want to leave. We really enjoyed just watching them.
Hey James - lets check that out

James and the Wallaby in deep conversation at the Australia festival
Fun in the Sun


  1. So happy that you are able to create beautiful memories like this. I pray that there are many more happy, HEALTHY days for you.

  2. Think of you all so often and check out your page all the time. I just love these pics of Cameron running around with that lovely smile on his face. I am also delighted to see James' smiles - he so loves his brother! May you all be blessed each and every day as you enjoy life as a family! Much love from Liz and Nigel
