Wednesday, August 1, 2012


After delaying Cameron's second round of antibody therapy for two weeks, Cameron had his liver enzyme levels tested again last Thursday.  The results were good - his levels were at 232, not great, but low enough to begin round number two.  So, I packed up the car, dropped James at a friend and Cameron and I headed down to the hospital - ready to get this done!  He had his levels tested again and low and behold - they were back up to 405!  To say that I was frustrated and disappointed would be an understatement.  I requested that he have his enzymes retested at an independent laboratory, just to make sure that there wasn't a mix up, and although the results came back lower, they were still too high for him to start his treatment.  So we were sent home again to wait for another week.

Cameron has been off of all his medications for several weeks now, he is eating healthily, drinking as much as I can get him to and generally doing all that he can to rest his liver, and yet we are still seeing elevated levels.  The only thing that we hadn't tried was to stop his formula, so as of Monday, I have replaced his formula with skim milk.  The doctors are of varying opinions as to whether the formula might be an underlying cause of the elevated enzymes, but we have tried everything else - so it's worth a shot.  The thinking behind stopping the formula is that all dietary supplements contain high levels of lipids and carbohydrates, when the liver is already irritated, it doesn't take much to elevate those enzyme levels. 

Cameron will be retested this Friday and if the enzymes are within the desired range (below 250), he will start round two of the antibody next Monday, if they are any higher then we will need to take him to see a Gastroenterologist to make sure that there is nothing more serious going on with his liver.

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