Saturday, February 25, 2012

Day + 2

Cameron slept through most of today, the little guy has taken a big hit and it shows. He is still running a fever and experiencing continuing bouts of nausea. His cultures have so far come back clear which is good news - it means that the fevers are not the result of infection.

Until this evening, the oral meds that control his fevers just would not stay in his stomach long enough to be effective, fortunately he retained his evening dose so we are hoping to see some improvement overnight.


  1. My heart breaks for you guys. I'm sitting here in tears, just wishing I could take an ounce of his nausea, fevers, whatever away from him (if not all of it) so that he didn't have to be so sick... Praying that God restores him quickly, and that he stays healthy. Praying you got the rest you needed this weekend, and that you and James had some quality time together.

  2. You are almost there...I promise he will be feeling much better soon! He is doing great and so are you! Let me know if you need anything!! Prayers for you all!

