Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Day +5

I haven't blogged for a few days, because there really hasn't been much to write about.  Cameron is still pretty much the same, he is still having fevers and sleeps for most of the day.  He has barely managed to get out of bed for the last 4 days and hasn't even shown any interest in playing with the iPad or watching TV.  The doctors still have no idea what is causing him to have a fever, but he is on 3 different antibiotics and since his liver enzymes are now at a normal level, he is also getting the anti-fungal medication.

 He was unable to take the oral fever reducer (Tylenol) because he would either throw it up or spit it out, so the doctors have finally agreed to put him on the intravenous version of the medicine.  So far it has helped reduce his fever for about an hour at a time and at least that is making him a bit more comfortable. 

His mucositis is still causing him to be in a lot of pain and he now has visible mouth sores, so he has been put on a constant morphine drip.

I went home to see little James over the weekend and it was great to have a break and spend some quality time with him.  I mentioned in a previous post that he had Strep Throat last week so I spent a few extra days at the hospital to protect Cameron for getting it too.  He had been on antibiotics all week, so I felt safe going home.  On Saturday morning when he woke up, his eyes were covered in green, crusty, snot-like stuff and looked a bit red and my mom thought it looked like pink eye, so off we went to the pediatrician.  Sure enough - it was pink eye!!  I can't believe that at a time when we have to be most careful about germs, James gets two of the most contagious viruses out there.  I was very careful about touching James and washed my hands continuously, and so far, so good - I have not caught it from him.  I had to return to the hospital on Sunday night so that Frank could go to work on Monday and when I told the doctors what was going on with James, they put Cameron in lock down.  He's not allowed to leave his room at all until his cultures come back, which could take about 5 days - not exactly a big deal considering he sleeps 20 hours a day!

I'm hoping that he starts feeling better by the end of the week, but I know it could be longer than that.  In the mean time we are snuggling together a lot and just enjoying the down time.


  1. Holding you close and thinking about you all as always. Big hugs my friend. You are an amazing woman and mother. Never forget that. Love to you all. Leigh

  2. Thanks Nik for sharing all the updates. My heart is heavy for you and Cam and the whole family right now. My sister is now cancer free and sharing Cameron's story with her made a big impact on her. It so weird how fighters of this alien disease come in so many shapes and sizes. I am looking forward to getting Cameron some new fun things to play with in the hospital even if it just brings a smile to his sweet little eyes while he gets better. Our arms are around you all.
