Wednesday, March 7, 2012

St. Baldricks

As some of you already know, I have decided to shave my head to raise money for the St Baldricks Foundation.  St. Baldricks is a fantastic organization that funds vital research for pediatric cancer.  Every year they hold a head shaving event to raise funds, and this year, I am honored to be part of it.  Weirdly, I am kind of excited about going bald, I just hope I don't have a strangely shaped or overly "bumpy" head.  Think of all the money I will save on shampoo and I won't have to worry about those retched grey hairs for a while!

I was looking at some statistics regarding childhood cancer (American Childhood Cancer Organization) and I was shocked when I read how many kids are diagnosed with cancer every year - 12,400 in the USA alone!!  And it's the number one disease related cause of death among children.  Those are terrifying statistics!  What's even more terrifying, is that it receives the least amount of research funding!!!  Personally, I find that appalling.  Unfortunately, I am a bit too low on energy to start a one man campaign, beating down the doors of the government and large cancer organizations, demanding that the give more money to pediatric cancer research - so instead, I'm shaving my head for St. Baldricks.  I'm doing it to raise money, raise awareness and most importantly (to me), I'm doing it to honor my brave BRAVE baby boy. 

If you would like to donate to St. Baldricks, you can click HERE or head over to  There's still time to sign up to become a shavee or if you are too chicken would rather just come and watch me, I'll be at The Harp Irish Pub in Roswell on Sunday, March 11, 2012.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That's a bit of a mind adjustment for me. I always thought that because the death rate for children was higher in the 3rd world than the first, a 3rd world disease would kill more of them - like dystentery, or cholera, or AIDS, or whatever. (Not that any of those are only found in the 3rd world, they're just more prevalent and more poorly treated.)
