Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Calm before the storm? (Day-3)

Things been very quite here in "Hotel CHOA".  Cameron started his chemotherapy last Thursday in preparation for his stem cell transplant and has been coping incredibly well.  Despite massive doses of chemo, designed to wipe out his entire immune system, Cameron has been his usual happy and playful self and so far has not shown any of the usual side effects of the chemo.  I know I am probably jinxing myself by typing that - the type of chemo that he has received is know to have a delayed effect with regards to nausea, but when the nausea starts, it can be very VERY bad.  But, so far so good.  His appetite has started to wane a little bit and he has lost a little bit of weight, so he will likely get started on intravenous feedings in a few days time, to prevent too much weight loss.  For now, his chemo is finished and he will have a couple of days rest before his transplant on Thursday.

In some respects, I am finding this transplant more difficult than the first one.  I know what's coming, I know how sick Cameron is likely to get and I know how long it will be before we are all home together again.  Because I know that there will soon be days when Cameron feels too sick to play - I am making the most of our play time.  We are having a blast!!  We've had tea parties, we have been on Easter Egg hunts (numerous times) and we have even finger-painted with sanitizing foam.  I'm trying to focus on the positive and the fun, but in the back of my mind my fear lingers.  I will be so glad when this transplant is over and we can return to a somewhat normal life for a little while.

Here are a few photos of what we've been getting up to:

Playing on Pinterest.com

Tea, anyone?

Basket of Easter goodies that he received from the Taylor Brooks Foundation

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ICE CREAM!

Finger painting with sanitizing foam

Our Easter Egg hunt

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