Monday, April 16, 2012

Day +4

It's been 4 days since Cameron's transplant and the poor child is really feeling awful!  His mucositis is getting progressively worse and he is producing enormous amounts of saliva, which he keeps in his mouth until he can't hold anymore and then spits it all out at once.  It is truly disgusting!  I have never been very grossed out by my children's bodily functions - but for some reason, this saliva fountain makes me want to throw up! 

Apparently, the older kids who have stem cell transplants, say that they feel like they have a terrible case of the flu afterwards, so I can only imagine that that is how Cameron feels.  He lies down most of the day, sitting up seems to nauseate him, and he naps often.  As bad as he feels now, he is doing much better than last time.  He has only had one low grade fever and has spent far more time awake than he did last time.  He has even played on the iPad for short periods of time today and demands that the TV is left on ALL of the time, on the cartoon channel.

This weekend we were sad to say goodbye to Frank's mom, who has been over here to help us with the children during Cameron's hospital admission, as she had to return to South Africa.  On a happier note, we welcomed back the lovely Ana, our wonderful nanny that worked for us last year while Cameron was going through chemotherapy.  I went home to spend some time with James and Frank spent the weekend at the hospital hanging out with Cameron. 

So far so good, let's hope it continues to go well and that we are able to bust out of here in a couple of weeks!

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